Colson Casters: Made in the USA and Made For You

Shopping for casters can be tricky. Customers typically think they know exactly what they need, but with so many brands and configurations available, that confidence can waver pretty quickly. Evaluating with an expert what size and style suit your environment, weight-capacity needs, and product type is the obvious next step, but taking a closer look at the reputation of the brands available can save you time (and money) down the road.

Certain brands are timeless and have proved themselves for more than a century, and Colson Casters is one of those elite brands. Made in the United States for over a century, Colson has become a brand synonymous with high-performing casters and excellent customer service.

An American-Made Classic

Colson Casters has been perfecting its caster manufacturing since 1885 – more than 130 years – and it shows. The process begins with Colson’s engineering team, which ensure that everything from performance to aesthetics has been optimized to meet customer expectations and safety standards. All of Colson’s casters are American-made in a 120,000-square feet manufacturing facility, optimized to be one of the most efficient and low-cost caster production facilities in the industry, while still reaching the highest standards in caster manufacturing, innovation, and automation.

Colson Casters are trusted by thousands to not only perform but to endure wear and tear. Tested to stringent quality standards, Colson casters meet ANSI ICWM:2012 standards and come with the most aggressive and complete three-year warranty coverage available in the industry today.

Industry-Leading Products & Technology

As a company, Colson Casters gets a gold star for customer retention and overall reliability.  But what about the products?

Colson Casters offers a vast variety of manufactured casters in many styles and configurations. In an effort towards user-friendliness, they provide 3D CAD drawings for all their casters, allowing customers to configure caster models to exact specifications and easily share data sheets and updated drawings with team members.

Local Service on Speed Dial

In addition to a spectacular warranty, Colson also backs its product by the best support teams in the business. Support teams are located across the U.S., providing local service to customers nationwide. Colson stakes its reputation on providing reliable and committed service and support, so we can trust that you’ll get the attention you need every time.

Did you know that the founders of Allied Caster were trained by Colson Casters? Allied Caster stands by the Colson Caster product as the best choice for casters that are American-made and will stand the test of time.

We’re proud to stock Colson, check out our product catalog or contact us for more information.